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Lisa Bachman
Nov 5, 20205 min read
My Cancer Diagnosis
I was diagnosed with colon cancer as the world mourned the loss of superstar Chadwick Bosemen who died from that same disease. Today, I’m...

Lisa Bachman
Mar 24, 20196 min read
Suicide - You Matter!
My heart feels very heavy today as I learned not only of the third young person in Florida to die by suicide this week; but, I received 2...

Lisa Bachman
Oct 21, 20183 min read
Thankful for the Kindness of a Stranger
About seven months ago, my husband, Ron, and I decided it was time for a new adventure. Long story short, we sold our house and about 90%...

Lisa Bachman
Jun 4, 20183 min read
Happy birthday to me – a new goal!
Throughout my career, I’ve had goals. Some big, some small, some achieved, and some, well, not. I was told early on that if you write...

Lisa Bachman
Sep 26, 20174 min read
An Open Letter to Professional Athletes
Have you ever sat down to watch a movie you knew nothing about? That’s what my husband and I did yesterday when we watched Hidden...

Lisa Bachman
May 4, 20177 min read
My View of "13 Reasons Why"
a real attempt or actual suicide is infinitely worse. We will live with that experience for the rest of our lives. It sounds counter-intui
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